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关于低头族的英语作文描述现象 并发表看法带翻译

2020-10-20 14:40:01

I have heard a beautiful poetry, written by a novelist, Amy Cheung. With a little adjustment, it can vividly depict the alienation among people in reality "The further distance in the world is not between life and death. But when I stand in front of you, your eyes turn to your smartphone; don’t know that I love you."The smartphone has been gaining a great popularity, becoming a toxic compulsion. It has invaded our lives and occupied all our interstitial time. It is so commonly seen that the smartphone addicts attend to their phone, ignoring everything. Even meeting with friends, they often pull out the phone in order to take a photo, check a message or even play with a game. Seeming connected with the whole world, they have actually fiddled the conversation and done harm to the relationship.It is high time that we threw away the phone and raised our heads up. Do cherish the ones around us and appreciate the splendid scenery ahead of us.



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