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不懂写英语作文 具体要求如下假如你是李华 最近你们班同学针对“博物馆该不该免费对

2020-10-20 15:10:01

Recently,our class has had a debate about whether museums should open to the public free of charge. What I have found out is that opinions vary from person to person .Some students believe that museums should be free to the public as they are important places for both education and entertainment. They say that free museum entrance will attract more visitors, which will no doubt contribute to promoting knowledge and culture. The more museums open their doors to the public for free of charge, the more people they will benefit from seeing the cultural heritages. Therefore, it is good for people to improve their awareness about culture heritage protection.However, some hold the opinion that museums should not be free as many tourists might influence the visiting, so it will be hard to keep the museums functioning well and more difficult to protect the exhibits.As I believed, museums should only be free for certain special groups, such as students, soldiers and the disabled. Besides, the times that entrance is provided free for the groups should be strictly regulated. Only in this way can the museum be well organised.

不懂写英语作文 具体要求如下假如你是李华 最近你们班同学针对“博物馆该不该免费对公众开放”这一话题进行了辩论.请根据表格内容写一篇英语短文给校英语报投稿 介绍这次辩论情况和你的看法.要求:词数100左右 2.开头已给出 但不计入总词数参考词汇:免费free of charge 文化遗产:cultural heritages开头:Receently our class has had a debate about whether museums should open to the public free of charge.正方观点“1每个人都有权利分享文化遗产 2.有助于提高人们的文化遗产保护意识反方观点”1.游客过多影响参观 2.保护展品难度加大.你的观点:.



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