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2020-10-20 15:45:01

An image showing a “cartoon hierarchy” has ignited public discussion in China for its suggestion that Chinese children from wealthier families or with better educational opportunities prefer to watch English language cartoons and will look down on those who watch Chinese ones.


The picture shows the latest English language cartoons with no Chinese subtitles such as “Adventure Time with Finn and Jake,” “Bob’s Burgers,” and “Bernard” at the top of the pyramid. The second tier includes Disney television series, “SpongeBob SquarePants,” and “Thomas the Train,” and other cartoons that have already been introduced into China. Domestic cartoons including “Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf,” “Boonie Bears,” and “GG Bond” are at the bottom of the pyramid.


“I usually let my kid watch the English language version of Peppa Pig.” A parent told Chinanews.com. “I don’t look down on domestic cartoons. It’s just that English language cartoons are entertaining as well as helpful for learning English, and Disney sometimes includes math exercises. Domestic cartoons are not nearly as educational.”


Apart from parents’ wish to “learn while play,” another major reason behind their choice is that domestic cartoons do not have a clear targeted age group, according to an expert in the industry. “Most foreign cartoons are classified based on the age of target audience so parents can easily pick the one that is most suitable for their children.”


In spite of this, some domestic cartoons are striving to keep pace with the times.


“Chinese cartoons are still in the beginning stages. With the increasing support of the government in recent years, I believe more “high class” domestic cartoons will come out and win the hearts of both our parents and children,” said Su Wanzi, a senior animation editor.





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