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2020-10-20 15:55:01

Pikachu Japanese: ピカチュウ is one of the species of Pokémon creatures from the Pokémon media franchise — a collection of video games, anime, manga, books, trading cards, and other media created by Satoshi Tajiri. Pikachu fight other Pokémon in battles central to the anime, manga, and games of the series. Pikachu is one of the most well known Pokémon, largely because a Pikachu is acentral character in the Pokémon anime series. Pikachu is regarded as a major character of the Pokémonfranchise and has become an icon of Japanese culture in recent years.Pikachu evolves from a Pichu when it levels up with high friendship, and evolves into a Raichu with a "Thunder Stone". Within the world of the Pokémon franchise, Pikachu are often found in houses, forests,plains, and occasionally near mountains, islands, and electrical sources such as power plants, on most continents throughout the fictional world. As an Electric type Pokémon, Pikachu can store electricity in its cheeks and release it in lightning based attacks.from wiki希望能帮助到你,望采纳!!!



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