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速求介绍动漫的英语作文初二水平的 只要150词以内就可以了 通俗易懂即可作业帮

2020-10-20 16:55:01

The Prince Of TennisThe story about a 12 year old boy Ryoma.He is a student.His father send him to go to the school called:Seigaku.It`s a famous school.And Ryoma like playing tennis,so,he jioned a tennis club,called:Seigaku Tennis Club.The header in this club is Tezuka kunimitisu.He is very cool,and he play tennis is very good.Fuji Syusuke is a club mumber .His tennis is so well.And he like smile,and his smile si very beautiful.They help Ryoma grow up.The cartoonest is Xufei Gang.And the cartoon story is very interesting.I like it.My favourite hero in it si Fuji Syusuke.I like his smile and his tennis!I bet you will like this cartoon story.可能有点语法错误...ORZ...但毕竟是自己写的...看在我打字这么累人的份上,就给咱几分悬赏吧...TAT.



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