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2020-10-20 17:25:01

书面表达英语作文一篇 2019 01 10 阅读 : 次



妈妈: "Hello! Can I take a look at that pair of shoes?

售货小姐: "Sure. What colour do you want?"

妈妈: "Oh, you know what. I like that pair of the brown colour."

售货小姐: "That is a nice colour on you. Here you are."

妈妈: "Can I try them on?"

售货小姐: "Of course."

妈妈: "I really like this colour and they fit me so perfectly!"

售货小姐: "That sounds great!"

妈妈: "Well, this pair seems too expensive for me."

售货小姐: "This pair was designed in Italy. Thats why its more expensive than others."

妈妈: "Oh, I see. Can I try that pair of black colour shoes over there?

售货小姐: "No problem, madam."

妈妈: "This pair is cheaper than the other one, and it fits me well."

售货小姐: "Madam, this pair looks very elegant on you."

妈妈: "Haha. Thank you for your help! Okay, Ill buy this pair."

售货小姐: "Thats great! Its my pleasure of serving you."

妈妈: "Do you accept credit cards or cash?"

售货小姐: "We accept all kinds of payment methods including credit cards and cash."

妈妈: "Very good! I am gonna pay by my master card."

售货小姐: "Thank you!"

妈妈: "Thank you! Bye!"

售货小姐: "Have a good day, madam!"

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