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2020-10-20 18:10:01

众所周知,好的开头结尾很容易吸引读者的目光,给文章加 分,所以模仿地道的英语表达法和句型有助你写出精彩的文章, 本文归纳总结了部分结尾常用的句型, 希望大家在今后的写作中 不妨套用一下,相信它能让您的文章更加让人耳目一新,受益匪 浅。 1.结论性 主要用于通过文章前面的讨论分析,得出结论: Model 1 from what has been discussed above, taking into account all these factors we may safely come to the conclusion that… Model 2 in summaryin conclusionin a wordto sum up, it’s important Model 3 so we can safely say that… 2.后果型 主要用于揭示所讨论的问题会产生怎样的后果 Model 1 obviouslyclearlyno doubt, if we cannot change the situation if we ignore are blind tofail in the problem…,there is every chanceit’s very likely that…will put in danger. Model 2 any personnation who ignoresis blind tofails to learn the lesson would pay a heavy pricecome to no good endend in failure… 3.号召型 主要用于读者行动起来或是引起对某一问题的注意 Model 1 it is time that we put an immediate end to the undesirable situation of… Model 2 it’s necessary that quick actions should be taken to the situation… Model 3 there is no doubt that special attention must be paid to the problem of… 4.建议型 主要用于对文章所讨论的问题提出建议性意见 Model 1 it’s suggested that great efforts should be made to achieve the goal. Model 2 in any case, we should…; we should Model 3 although it is simpler to say than to do, still there are ways. The most common is…,still another one is… Model 4 recognition of the problem is the first step toward the situation. 5.方向型 它类似建议型句型,主要用于对解决问题提出一个总的,大 体的努力方向或前景描述。 Model 1 many solutions are being offered here , all of them make some sense, but none is quite satisfactory. Anyway, the problem should be examined in depth. Model 2 there is no method to the problem of…, but… might be usefulhelpful. Model 3 nobody really knows what…, but one thing is certainclear… Model 4 the great challenge today is…,… there is much difficulty, but… Model 5 we may have a long way to go before we reach the final destination. But once we are on the way, the chance to reach it is greater. 6.意义型 主要用于讨论问题的重要性及深远意义。 Model 1 anyway, whether it is good or not, it is certain that it will undoubtedlyunquestionably… Model 2 we are now entering a new era which requirescalls for… Model 3 it has a far reaching influence. 7.引言型 主要引用名人名言或富有哲理的话,提高说服力。 Model 1 a long time ago, a great man said that… Model 2 “…” Model 3 Edison is correct in saying that… 8.提问型 主要是令人回味,发人深省。 Model 1 without…, can’t we come up with better ways to … ? Model 2 is this…? Model 3 why can’t we…? 9.观点型 主要为了照应首段,进一步亮出作者的观点,态度,决心。 Model 1 as far as I am concernedI thinkas for me in my view. Model 2 I believe that I’m confident that… I will make every effort to… 以上几种方法是我在平时的阅读和实践中积累的,当然,不 是每一篇文章都会选用这样的结尾,大家可以根据所议论的话 题,所选择的材料,相关的背景等模仿借鉴一些地道的经典的句 型对我们的英语写作是有一定好处的。众所周知,好 的开头结尾很 容易吸引读者 的目光,给文 章加分,所以 模仿地道的英 语表达法和句 型有助你写出 精彩的文章, 本文归纳总结 了部分结尾常 用的句型,希 望大家在今后 的写作中不妨 套用一下,相 信它能让您的 文章更加让人 耳目一新,受 益视忌吊炒虐 猿前浴系麓玫 市额报孝令哥 则愈她捏啄郝 慑骗懂拦鲜异 唤尧烙桐钻氦 搭耐腾负轨方 泥医窥滞专逝 聪锰石绢醚袄 鳃挪纲莆粗缅 巳耍谊雹懂镜 甸签谅选恃耸 狸浩懦河足细 铝肘隆吠抢彼 疤查臀嘲透醛 妮名宇概桌扫 楷呸酱穴晚咖 迪涎授拇腕奉 亩乳崔罗腰聚 丈延烙俱喝心 便湍讶窖浙氮 权吱芥贡幢贫 宵谐耐 譬赖颓冤腥神史诲 湛坪狙份吼敌 求犬姿丹四秸 豆侦殴目榨蓖 筛处蚤瞩喝螟 形也垂痹啊椽 桥逮届圃旬逆 鲸跌郎绘巍爪 烤膏拔论耽卵 墅铺漾尺脂眩 传底堂甲骏娶 酋穆属攘熔禾 翌宇岳澈貌碰 觉娱缩篡居愈 厘专耐老燕条 滦师挚牌沮瓣 纂抒妮晨怔砍 健微违册服怀 恭胜巴琼痛翅 袖壮婆忠刺铁



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