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谁能给写个关于body language的英语作文

2020-10-20 19:10:01

palm faced to oneself means insulting others. French, German and others who fight with the UK are all insulted in this special way. So , not all members of a culture behave in the same way. When we are learning a language, the most important thing for us is to know the cultural of the country, or there will be many mistakes happened. With so many cultural differences between people, it is great to have some similarities in body language. It is an amazing thing that we understand each other as well as we do. You must have smiled to your friend when you meet him again after a long time. Smile is a body language too. And it is obvious that through human being??s history, people can use smile to show many things. Such as when you find your friend is depressed, you gave him a smile to cheer him up, when you get compliment, you smile to them to show thank you. In many occasions, smile is better than any words, and the most important, smile can be understood by the whole world. So, before you pay attention to know the cultural you are interested, just learn how to smile.



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