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求以learningaforeignlanguage为题的英语作文 要求总分总结构 字数在400左右.要有翻

2020-10-20 19:10:01

Learning a Foreign Language As globalisation becomes the increasingly dominant worldwide trend, learning a new language is becoming ever more important. By learning a foreign language, there are many benefits to be gained; such as an increased chance of gaining employment in transnational corporations and self convenience when you are travelling overseas. However, there are some disadvantages too; for example, it costs a lot of money and effort to learn a language, but you may not get satisfactory results. But despite all the arguments about whether learning a foreign language is beneficial, there is no doubt that it is becoming one of the important skills one must acquire in order to survive in the modern age. Firstly, learning a foreign language can bring a lot of advantages. The most important one is that it can add significantly to your resume. In an age when internet and I phones rule the world, communication between different countries is just as easy as talking to your next door neighbour. But what if the people from these two countries cannot understand each other because they speak a different language? This is where knowing a foreign language becomes handy. It can solve not only your personal communication issues but can also help you gain a career in the translating industry, or perhaps entering a transnational company. Learning about different cultures and languages can also enrich our own understanding of the world and the other people that live in it. Thus, learning a new language has cultural significances and can improve one’s future prospect. On the other hand, there are also disadvantages to learning a new language. It costs a lot of time and effort to try to learn a new language; now you need to ask yourself, is it worth it? It turns out that it is very difficult to learn a foreign language well if you are not living in that country. For example, it is not like that you can speak fantastic French if you have never been to a French speaking country. A lot of the times, a language is based on habits rather than the rules of grammar. And you cannot acquire that habit if you do not live in that certain community in that certain country. Thus it is very difficult to learn a foreign language well on your own, and it may take up an amount of your time and money that is disproportionate to its benefits. In conclusion, learning a foreign language has two sides to it. It may improve your employment prospects and enrich your cultural understandings; but may also cost a lot of money, time and effort. However, whatever the argument on whether it is good to learn a foreign language; there is no doubt that it had become a very important part of the education and training of the modern age.呵呵,看在这么辛苦的份上给个分吧.

求以learningaforeignlanguage为题的英语作文 要求总分总结构 字数在400左右.要有翻译.我知道要求多了点但是老师要求的没办法啊..注意是总分总结构



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