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2020-10-20 19:15:01



四级:For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a news report to your school newspaper on a volunteer activity organized by your Student Union of visiting Home for the Elderly / visiting a local farm / visiting Hope Elementary School. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.

六级:For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay on the importance of motivation and methods in learning / mutual understanding and respect in interpersonal relationships / team spirit and communication in the workplace. You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.

可以看出,本次四级题目是体写作,六级题目则是常规的议论文。四级题目有点类似于高考英语写作题,写起来难度不算高,只要把4W1H这几个写作要素交代清楚基本上字数就够了,这几个要素分别是:What, When, Who, Where, How

比如对于四级题目"Write a news report to your school newspaper on a volunteer activity organized by your Student Union of visiting Home for the Elderly" 可以写本次志愿活动具体在哪天举行(When),养老院的具体位置在哪(Where),有哪些学生参与(Who),他们都在养老院做了什么(What),具体怎么做(How),以及学生通过这次志愿活动的收获等等。其他两道四级写作题目也可以按照这种方法展开。


对于题目"Write an essay on the importance of team spirit and communication in the workplace" 可以尝试按照下面的思路展开:





其他两道题目也可以按照这种方式展开。对于题目”Write an essay on the importance of motivation and methods in learning” 我写了一篇作文供大家参考:

The notion of lifelong learning has gained in popularity among the general public and much has been talked about what makes learning effective.

Motivation and methods play an important role in effective learning. To begin with, motivation is a prerequisite for learning efficiently as it gives students the drive to go deep into subjects they deal with, thereby enabling them to acquire more knowledge in the process. It would be difficult, if not impossible, for students to stay focused on their studies if they feel demotivated. However, it is worth noting that motivation alone cannot guarantee success in learning; good methods are also at play. Employing tried and tested techniques can make learning more enjoyable and thus help students concentrate on the task at hand. For example, when it comes to improving English listening and speaking skills, using multimedia materials such as English movies, TV programs and podcasts produces better results, as they keep learners engaged and help them learn the language in the real context.

In conclusion, motivation and good methods combined are the formula for successful learning, and it is up to teachers to make good use of them for the benefit of students.










国庆游记作文300字 欣赏作文结尾 在我的成长道路上作文 爸爸戒烟作文 勤劳的爸爸作文 雷锋在我心中作文400字 幸福的滋味作文500字 中考英语作文评分标准 高中作文素材名言 大爱作文 中考优秀作文500字 班级建设作文 写溜溜球的作文 贵州黄果树瀑布作文 在海边玩的作文 公交车让位作文 作文漫画老师500字 倒叙的作文500字 告知信英语作文 有关困难的作文 挫折 作文800 炒糖豆作文 考试结束后作文 高考万能作文英语 春节前奏曲作文 二三事作文600字 关于六年级的作文 感悟亲情的作文 篮球比赛作文500字 我变小了作文