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2020-10-20 19:50:01









Directions: Write an essay of 160 200 words based on the following drawing. In your essay, you should

1 describe the drawing briefly,

2 point out the possible effect, and

3 give your comments.






Cheating on Examinations

The picture presented above shows us the problem of cheating on examinations. A boy cannot answer some questions in an examination, so he chooses to copy the answers of others in order to get a high score.

What is conveyed in the drawing is thought provoking and should arouse wide social concern. Cheating on examinations has negative impacts on the society. Firstly, it will result in unfair competition. Secondly, it will make students lazier and lazier. If they can get a high grade easily by cheating, they wont take pains to study during the regular class. Thirdly, the students who graduate from school by means of cheating wont be qualified for the future jobs.

As far as I am concerned, effective measures should be taken in order to stop cheating on examinations. For one thing, severe punishments should be conducted to prevent students from cheating. For another, students should understand the purpose and significance of examinations. Only in this way can we create a reasonable examination system and cultivate really qualified talents.







Directions:Write an essay of 160 200 words based on the following drawing. In your essay, you should

1 describe the drawing briefly,

2 explain its intended meaning, and

3 give your comments.






Senior People Surfing Online

The picture presents us a very interesting scene, in which two senior citizens are surfing online with a smile of contentment. Contrary to them, the unsatisfactory and anxious look on the third senior citizen, waiting for her turn, catches more attention and arouses laughter among the viewers.

However, what the picture conveys goes far beyond a fashion trend that the senior citizens are keen on surfing on the Internet which is supposed to be too complicated and advanced for the senior. A large number of people tend to live under the illusion that the senior stick stubbornly to the old fashion and are reluctant to engage in learning new things. Obviously, they seem to fail to take into account the basic fact that the senior are not only open to new things but also deriving delight from them, as is shown in the picture. The pioneer spirit exhibited by the senior vividly embodies the old yet righteous saying, “One is never too old to learn.”

Realizing their interest in surfing online, the whole society should take effective measures to cater to their needs, such as ensuring their access to computers, providing lessons about basic knowledge or developing software suitable for senior citizens. Only when the senior are satisfied with their life materially and mentally can a conclusion be reached that we are on the right track to build a harmonious society.







Directions: Write an essay of 160 200 words based on the following table. In your essay, you should

1 describe the table briefly,

2 explain its intended meaning, and

3 give your comments.







Channels of Graduates to Get the First Job Offer

As we can see in the table, 30% graduates from 211 Project colleges get their first job offers from the recruitment meeting sponsored by the college. While for non 211 Project college graduates, the principal channel of obtaining their first job offers is the information provided by their friends and relatives, accounting for 20%.

The data in the table can be interpreted as follows: Graduates from 211 Project colleges have more priority in job market over graduates from non 211 Project colleges. As a matter of fact, this has long been a distinguishing feature in Chinas college graduates recruitment. There are two reasons for this phenomenon. First of all, most Chinese companies specially have an interest in graduates from famous colleges, so they often go to recruitment meeting organized by these colleges to seek talents. That is why many students from these colleges could get their first job offers there. Moreover, many employers clearly declare that they will never consider graduates from schools other than 211 Project colleges, so the students from non 211 Project colleges actually have been eliminated at the very beginning. This makes these students discriminated against and even offended. They have no solution but to seek help from their friends and relatives in job hunting. On the whole, there are biased opinions of employers when they recruiting college graduates.

Taking into account all of these factors, the current situation of college graduates recruitment does not comply with the consist talent policies of our country. To solve the problem, the employers should abandon their preconceptions and make feasible employment standards.







Directions:Write an essay of 160 200 words based on the following drawing. In your essay, you should

1 describe the drawing briefly,

2 explain its intended meaning, and

3 give your comments.






Be a Self Taught Talent

The college called the ivory tower is a place full of dream and hope, but climbing this tower is not an easy job, as there is only one ladder. What if one didnt get the chance to touch the ladder? Would he be deprived of the chance to realize his dream? We can see from the picture that in addition to the ladder, rope can also help the climber fulfill his dream.

College education is thought to be crucial in the path to success, so the famous universities with top teachers and research resources are more admired by applicants. Though important, college education is not indispensable to success. I believe that one can also be well learned outside the college. Bill Gates didnt finish his education in Harvard, but nobody would now judge him by his lack of college diploma. Edison also told us that without the assistance of college, life itself can also become an advanced institution of learning. We can become professional through self education.

Im sure the college education is not the only way to success and most of the useful knowledge comes from the great source outside the college. The key to success lies in whether you want to improve yourself through continuous learning.




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