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2020-10-20 19:55:01

Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay explaining why it is unwise to judge a person by their appearance. You can give examples to illustrate your point. You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words. 14 points The appreciation of beauty is part of human nature: we are touched by vivid paintings, impressed by splendid sculptures, and sometimes we also judge a person by his/her appearance, whether consciously or unconsciously. Natural might this be, such an action is unfortunately unwise. The beauty of appearance does not necessarily mean inner beauty. There is no denying that film stars are blessed with outstanding appearance. Nevertheless, some of them have scandals, such as drunk driving or inappropriate low affairs. On the other hand, an ugly looking person like Yan Zi in “Chunqiu” period saved the whole country with his wisdom. Therefore, if we mistake the beauty of appearance as inner beauty, we might unwisely take the wrong as the good. What is more, the beauty of appearance fades with time, while inner beauty lasts forever. When we judge a person, we do not judge what he was born with, but we should value what quality he can achieve in the time to come. All in all, appearance is a temporary thing while good quality can be permanent, and the only wise way to judge a person is to judge his/her inner beauty. 点评:该14分的作文是阅卷专家组从全国中多考生中选出的考生考场佳作。全文191词,共分成4段,满足三个特征:内容切题、结构清晰、语言精彩。 结构上采用“总分总”。首段从人类对美的理解谈起,并辅以实例进行说明,进而引出本文主旨。二、三段为主题论证部分:二段采用“总分总”结构结合“对比”论证,首句为主题句,之后用“正反”两个例子对主题句进行论证,做到了结构简单清晰、论证清晰合理;三段采用“对比”论证inner beauty的重要性。尾段再次进行总结,尾句起到“画龙点睛”的功效。 语言质量方面:14分的范文用词明显是“多样化”、衔接连贯通顺、句子结构富有变化。 11points It is widely acknowledged that it is unwise to judge a person by their appearance. One’s appearance is given by his or her parents with nothing to do with his/her inner properties. It is possible that judging a person by their appearance leads to a wrong conclusion. People tend to have a good impression on someone whose appearance is attractive, however, good looking people may have a malicious heart. Numerous illustrations can be given. In world war II, many female spies took advantage of their beauty and collected intelligence from the enemy. Suppose the officials who leaked out those intelligence were not confused by the beauties, such thing may not happen. On the contrary, some people’s appearance may not be very impressive, but their unique characteristics are memorized. For instance, Deng Yaping, a ping pang player who is very short, impressed the whole world with her excellent techniques and great courage. One’s appearance is born naturally which cannot be changed. However, the character can be formed and built. Never try to judge someone solely by his or her appearance since one’s heart can go far beyond the appearance. 点评:与14分的作文相比,11分的作文的整体水平明显差出一截。如果14分的作文用“干净漂亮”来形容,11分的作文的整体感觉就是“通顺流畅”。内容和结构方面差距不大,主要是语言质量词汇句法的差距。



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