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2020-10-20 21:05:01


I used to receive gifts like basketballs, cards, cakes and so on, but the gift I’m looking forward to is a day without homework. It is special because I’m so busy nowadays that I seldom have time to stay with my parents. I hope on that day my parents and I will go to the park for a picnic. We can enjoy ourselves by lying on the grass and chatting with each other, completely free from the hustle and bustle of the city. Then I will be able to return to school relaxed and refreshed. How I expect the gift to come as soon as possible!

I used to receive gifts like a basketball, a swatch or a CD. But the gift I’m looking forward to is a bicycle though I can’t ride it now. How I want to learn it well so that I can ride anywhere I want to go! Every morning, it is my father who always drives me to school in all kinds of weather. Especially in the past few days, he has worked hard until midnight. If I ride my own bicycle to school, he will be able to sleep a little longer and work a bit harder. I hope my dream of owning a bicycle will be realized in the shortest possible time.



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