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初中英语作文 要求看下图 如果手写要清楚不要写得太潦草 谢谢!有两篇例文 但老师

2020-10-21 00:00:01

In my opinion,some facilities设施)and equipment(设备 in our school are quite good. For example, there is a smart whiteboard in each classroom now. I like it because it makes our classes more lively and interesting. However, we only have two electric fans in the dining hall, so we feel uncomfortable to have meals there in summer. I think more electric fans should be fixed. Besides, there are not enough toilets for girls in the teaching building. As a result, many girls are often late for class after waiting a long time in the toilet during the breads. Why not build more toilets for girl students?


初中英语作文 要求看下图 如果手写要清楚不要写得太潦草 谢谢!有两篇例文 但老师不准我们照写 要求



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