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求英语作文.1 假如你要接受一家英文报社的采访 记者提出的问题是“Howcanyoubeagood

2020-10-21 00:25:01

Excuse me, but can I be you for a while? Buzz up! ShareThisMay 13 2008 Views 309 Comments 0 Leave a Comment You’re all I need to be, for a while. You’d have your beautiful picture slapped across the bedroom walls of your girlfriend, your fans and a couple of secret admirers. When you wouldn’t want people for company, they’d kindly leave. Then bolt their doors, feel great about the fact you’re always still looking over them and then they’ll talk to you for hours, while you’d smile on. When they’ll write to you via those mails you’ve never bothered with, they’d tell you all about it. And check for a response, exactly the number of times you are to take a deep breath invariably. You’re all I need. For this while. In the middle of a conversation when you’d be out of words, they’d force dumbness upon their own selves. Your bitter days will make for their misery. Or even bulimia. And even suicide. They are the yellow sand to keep your toes happy. You can never forget your name. You’d have people to eschew it, and at the same time, recondite people to chew it. Your immolated privacy, the constant pressure, the sometimes forced upon harlequin esque get up, the tears from struggling – I know, you enjoy it. I know the imperceptible shade of suffering on your face is like bleach. It is required, it stays and it effects. And how this face would be immune to being loved so much. By fools, by errant fools, by those who don’t even care. And you get paid for being loved! And none of them care if you’re not looking over them from those walls, but looking down at them. Those are lyrics from a song that I was listening to this morning... some days I really wish that I could switch places with someone/ANYONE for just one day

求英语作文.1 假如你要接受一家英文报社的采访 记者提出的问题是“Howcanyoubeagoodchild?请你依据下面所给的提示要求 准备一段应答稿 开头已给出.提示 1Whatshouldyoudoatschool2Wha



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