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2020-10-21 00:30:02

2013年6月考察的是图画作文。对于图画作文,基本可以认为是我们小学时练习的“看图说话”。虽然题目不会给出提纲,但是基本的写作思路是固定的:描述图片、阐明观点、给出建议。 下面是2013年6月供大家参考。

The importance of learning basic skills

What we can see from the cartoon is that the teacher is instructing the students some basic mathematic skills. However, some students are wondering that if it will be outdated in the future. The picture implicitly raises the question of the importance of the fundamental skills us students learn in our classes.

It is worth mentioning that those seemingly basic and elementary skills we learned in school actually play a significantly indispensable role in our future works. The pervasive undervaluation on elementary skills that we find among current students and even some teachers can largely be attributed to their lack of vision of future and thorough understanding on the knowledge. After all, it’s an obvious truth that we could not build a magnificent mansion without solid foundations; we could not enjoy a long travel unless we make a solid start at first. Those basic skills may look simple to learn, but without them it will not be simple at all to achieve further goals.

To sum up, we should think highly of the importance of basic and fundamental skills that guarantee our wonderful and brilliant future. Furthermore, we should make full use of those elementary skills, consciously applying them in our works and life. Basic skill will never be outdated.

四六级考前100天逆袭攻略 0元领!





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