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2020-10-21 00:45:01

Mount Tai is crowned as the most famous of Chinas five great mountains, namely, Mount Tai in East China, the Hengshan Mountain in South China, the Huashan Mountain in the West China, the Hengshan Mountain in North China and the Songshan Mountain in Central China. Mount Tai is situated in central Shandong Province,stretching over 200 kilometers. North of the city of Taian stands Mount Tais highest peak, rising to 1,545 meters above sea level.This mountain impresses visitors with its majestic and precipitous appeal, its summit Yuhuanding overlooking the surrounding valleys and perilous peaks. To reach Mount Tais summit,we will feast our eyes on the charming scenery and appreciate the ancient architectual works of various styles.Soon we will trudge along a staircase that leads to the Heavenly Southern Gate. When we reach the Riguan Peak and look around in the distance, we will find ourselves carried away in invountary admiration by the overpowering endless vistas of mountains beyond mountains and scenery beyond scenery. 泰山号称我国五岳之首,这五岳为东岳的泰山,南岳的衡山,西岳的华山,北岳的恒山和中岳的嵩山。 泰山地处我国山东省的中部,绵延200多公里,其巅峰位于泰安市北面,海拔1545米。泰山雄伟壮观,峻拔突兀,最高峰玉皇顶为峡谷和险峰所环绕。登临泰山需走九曲十八盘的路程,沿途可饱览绚丽的风光,观赏不同风格的古代建筑。一阶石梯,直通南天门。登上日观峰,举目远眺,只见山外有山,景外有景,无限风光,摄人心魄。



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