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2020-10-21 00:45:01

The answer to this question depends on your own experience and the country you were brought up. In my point view, the most important custom from my country that I would like people from other countries to adopt is filial piety. According to Chinese tradition, filial piety is the primary duty of all Chinese. Being a filial son means show respect to ones parents during their lifetime and as they grew older taking the best possible care of them.A story can best illustrate the concept of filial pity. During the Chin Dynasty 4th 5th Century CE, a boy named Wu Meng was already serving his parents in exemplary filial piety although he was just eight years old. The family was so poor that they could not even afford a gauze net against the mosquitoes. Therefore every night in the summer swarms of mosquitoes would come and bite them. Wu Meng let them all feast on his naked stomach. Even though there were so many, he did not drive them away. He feared that the mosquitoes, having left him, would insteadbite his parents. His heart was truly filled with love for his parents.Filial piety is a good virtual of Chinese people, and people from other countries should also learn from it. Parents gave us birth and nurtured us, therefore we have the obligation to respect them and to take care of them when they can no longer take care of themselves. Western countries have complete social welfare systems to support people financially after they retire, but older people often face loneliness; they long for somebody to talk to them, especially their children andgrand children. We should try our best to spend more time with them, talk to them, and take them to family gatherings and trips to the nature.Filial piety can benefit our society. It can make our family tie stronger, and children can learn a lot from our attitude to our parents and from their grand parents. They can realize how important a family is to a person, and develop a strong sense of responsibility to their families and friends. For example, when it is necessary to stand out to defend our families and even the nation for danger, we will not hesitate to do so, because we know how important our families and our country is to us.In short, the most important custom from my country that I would like people from other countries to adopt is to be good to their parents. It is not only ensure that our parents can be taken good care of when they are getting old, but also help our children to develop good virtues and spirits.



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