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2020-10-21 01:10:01

2018年的毕业季即将到来,在大学毕业后,每个学生都面临着一个重大的、现实的问题,那就是为将来的事业做一个选择。你是选择找工作?还是继续读书?下面是小编整理的一篇关于2018年6月英语六级作文范文:毕业后干什么,供大家参考与学习。 范文参考: Upon gr aduating f rom the university , every student is faced with a big , practical problem, that is , to make a choice for his/ her futur e career . however , the choice va ries f rom pe rson to pe rson . some students want to find jobs in joint ventures , desiring to ea rn more money . many ar e preparing for entering the gr aduate school , so they work hard to pas s the entr ance examination . also , there a re unambitious ones who a re indiffer ent to the choice of ca reer and think that any kind of job will satisfy their desir e . only a small number of students are at a loss what to choose . as to me , i am deter mined to fur the r my studies abroad and i am fully suppor ted by my parents . I have many reasons for my choice . t he fundamental one is that in a developed country i can enrich my mind with most advanced profes sional k nowledge in my speciality . i believe that the mor e i lea rn , the bett er equipped i will be with modern knowledge , and the more probably i will succeed in my pursuit . some people suggest that i work while studying . well , that might be a good idea . howeve r , i would like to see More of the wor ld when i am young , and i think three or four years’ study will undoubtedly benefit my whole life . in addition , i am sure that i will cer tainly have more opportunities to get a satisfactory job in futur e with the profound knowledge i lea rn in graduate school abroad . 词汇学习: practical problem实际问题 joint ventures合资企业 joint venture的名词复数 work hard努力工作 a small number of少量的… developed country发达国家 would like to愿意,意欲 speciality特性; 专业,专长 most advanced最先进;尖端的;尖端 graduate school研究所

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  1. 2021-11-18 12:45[云南省网友]IP:736554118
  2. 2020-09-07 05:25メ雨辰ゞヤ[吉林省网友]IP:3406952703


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