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2020-10-21 01:40:01

题:For this part , your are allowed30 minutes to write an essay explaining why it is unwise to judge a personby their appearance 。You can give explain to illustrate your point .Youshould write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words 。


Currently, judging people by appearance has alreadybecome a common practice in our daily life. Is it wise to do this? The answeris definitely not。

Admittedly, a good and charming appearance will leave others a goodimpression for the first place. However, just as an old saying goes Neverjudge a book by its cover , it is not wise to judge one by appearance forthe reasons given below. For one thing, along with the development of science,plastic surgery can change one s appearance, so good looking cannot reflectone s true inner thought. Thought the history, we can find ample handsome boysand girls who turn out to be dangerous ones. For another, appearance is not theonly element judging others, but there are many aspects more important than it,such as kindness, warmheartedness and its like。

To summarize, judging people by appearance is the wise choice. Therefore Isuggest that we should pay more attention to one s inner thought and qualityrather than one s appearance。



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