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2020-10-21 01:50:01




1 Educators report that the generation growing up with television can barely write an English sentence.

2 Earlier scientists thought that during a man s lifetime the power of his brain decreased.

3 Many educators fear that an increase in the use of state exams will lead to a corresponding rise in cheating.

4 Many people believe that in a factory beautification of the dull setting results in greater productivity.

5 Any good relationship between nations in based on mutual相互trust and respect.

6 Throughout the ages different ideas have been expressed about the working of the human brain.

7 Scientists hope that if we can discover how the brain works, the better use we will be able to put it to.

8 Some recent research also suggests that we remember everything that happens to us.

9 He holds that there is no advantage in introducing the new method.

10 He holds that there is no advantage in introducing the new method.

11 We hold these truths to learn language skills, computer know how and so on, but above all they need to learn how to be an honest and responsible citizen.

12 Today s students need to learn learn language skills, computer know how and so on, but about all they need to learn how to be an honest and responsible citizen.

13 History shows that the United States as a nation owes a great dela to the Afro Americans美国黑人

14 The friendship your people have for our people made a deep impression on me during my visit in you country.

15 All those who attempt to turn bake the wheel of history will ruin themselves in the end.

16 We have to learn to cooperate合作with others and many of our own ideas have to be brushed aside搁置一边for the good of the whole.

17 In theory, every citizen in a democratic country may claim the right of equality平等before the law.

18 The successful manager is of the opinion that to gain as much as possible form your subordinates下属you should treat them as your equals.

19 Every country considers its internal affairs to be its own responsibility.

20 Experienced teachers realize that there are often exceptionally students who are never given a chance to show their special abilities.

21 We are also learning that truthful information, humanely conveyed, helps patients cope with illness.

22 Studies show that most doctors sincerely believe that the seriously ill do not want to know the truth about their condition.

23 Studies show that, contrary to the belief of many physicians, an overwhelming majority of patients do what to be told the truth.

24 A considerable amount of research shows that people tend to become bored when faced with a situation in which they must do the same thing day in and day out.

25 I am arguing that books must be absorbed in your bloodstream血液to do you any good.

26 And that is exactly what reading a book should be; a conversation between you and the author.

27 We are positive that this trade agreement will benefit the developing world.

28 Some teachers claim that recreation娱乐is necessary for children to be able to learn in school but others do not feel that leisure activity is all that important.

29 But by and large , the country was as glorious, as vast and as overwhelmingly spectacular壮丽多姿as those know nothing kids had expected.

30 All in all, we did not see much evidence that small town America is vanishing as we traveled through rural Wisconsin.

31 Thomas Jefferson argued that the greatest contribution you can make to your country is to preserve freedom by continuing your education and taking care that your children receive the highest level education possible.

32 The contribution Shakespeare made to the world of literature is different from anyone else s.



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