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2020-10-21 03:05:01



Model 1

① Recently , there has been a growing concern among the public over the phenomenon that 现象描述. ② This has definitely generated serious negative effects .

③ To the best of my knowledge , several reasons can be identified to account for this phenomenon . ④ To begin with , 原因一. ⑤ Moreover , 原因二. ⑥ Last but not the least, the fact that 原因三is also responsible for this phenomenon .

⑦ Considering all the points discussed , it is highly sensible that we take prompt measures to resolve this problem . ⑧ In the first place , 措施一. ⑨ In the second , 措施二. ⑩ Only by enforcing these measures , can we effectively , efficiently , and eventually solve the problem .

Model 2

① Here is the picture , a simple drawing yet with profound implications . ② 图片描述. ③ As can be gathered from the picture , it apparently intends to convey to us this message : 图片传递的信息.

④ To the best of my knowledge , several factors can be identified to account for this tragedy . ⑤ To begin with , 因素一. ⑥ Furthermore , 因素二. ⑦ Last but not the least , the fact that 因素三 is also responsible for this phenomenon .

⑧ From what has been discussed above , it is urgent that effective measures should be taken to resolve the problem . ⑨ In the first place , the government is supposed to 措施一. ⑩ In the second , it is crucial that the society and media enhance people s awareness in environmental protection . ?? On our part/On the part of parents/children , it is sensible that we/they 从自身做起. ?? Only by enforcing these measures , can we eventually solve the problem .


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