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The Colour and the People

2020-10-21 03:35:01

What is your favourite colour? Different people have different answers. Red and yellow are the colours of coire. If you like yellow, or red, it means you are full of energy and have happy feeling about life. If you like gray or blue, you are a quiet person and sometimes you feel unhappy. If you love green, you are strong minded and you wish to do everything well and want other people to see you are successful. Colours can also change our feelings. A yellow room makes us fell happier and more comfortable than a dark green one. A red dress brings warmth adds joyful atmosphere to the festival.When factory workers wear orange they work better and harder.注释: 1 favourite colour最喜欢的颜色 2 the colour of courage表示勇气的颜色 3 full of energy精力充沛 4 strong minded有坚强的意志 5 add joyful atmosphere to the festival给节日增添喜气



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