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为生病同学捐款倡议书英文版怎么写演讲稿形式 不少于3分钟

2020-10-21 04:50:01

优质解答 首先,XXX代表不名事项 原因你没给!我就用 肝腹水来表示把!Fate no mercy Donation written proposalStudents and Teachers:How are you!Has a healthy and happy is everyones dream.When we and friends singing,laughing,when; When my family and enjoying the time; when we work hard,Imagination Life was good,you know,on our side,a weak woman is suffering cancers,with her meager strength and death struggle,with her strong to explain the meaning of life!Everyone knows that,"Accidents will happen,people have always happens." This bad luck now in ** body.** Month ** units in the organization in the physical examination of the liver,ascites,was rushed to hospital ***,** cancer diagnosed late,treatment would cost a few million.*** Husband was laid off workers,part time jobs thanks to ** with her husbands meager income supporting the family economically very difficult.It was in this difficult situation,*** never reached over to the units and organizations of a hand.As the saying goes,one person are encouraged to get the table,refusing to give.People,inevitably in trouble,help and comfort them,is the obligation of each of us is the common responsibility of society as a whole.In the long river of human history,love the warm rain continuously,has a long history.Chinese known good deeds,helping the poor and distress of the traditional virtues.Today,bathed in the spring breeze of reform and opening up,gathered under the banner of the common wealth,how can we watched a man waiting for death,how can we turn a blind eye to a young life go away!Illness can take away life,health,they can not take away of genuine emotion.In order to save this precious life to save *** and her the family.The staff are sent to the company wide initiative,please extend a hand of brotherhood,a love offering to help overcome the illness *** it!Who died ruthless,your caring heart,your bit of grace,it is possible to save a young life; Who unjust fate,your anonymous care,your well intentioned move,that is her greatest luck.Many hands make light,capacity,big or small,regardless of the number of donations,charity or late.Have taken you in love.Drip merged into a river,stone washed island.Even if it is a dollar,as long as you have given love,she now has a hope of survival.As long as everyone contributes a little love,the world will become a brighter future!Maybe you and she never met,but love and faith are no boundaries!I hope people will lend a helping hand to help the women and disease resistance it!Perhaps these contributions for you is a small expenditure,but they add up to love,you can exchange for her life,ha!She longed to get back past the suns smile,a healthy body,hope the same with your life and the challenges ahead,and harvest.I believe you will give a helping,loving hand,and lifted a *** on the bed.Please dedicate a love,perfecting a bold insistence,passed a life of heat.She needs you need me,need to extend from the arms of us,with our love,our hearts,lit a lamp of hope,help her hold up a blue sky ......Working with illness and their families protest *** Thank you for your interest and contributions!Donor site :****



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