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英语作文英语作文假设你的同学李华生病住院 得到了同学们各种各样的帮助.请以此为例

2020-10-21 04:55:01

你没有限制字数,所以给你个短短的例子.Love and care never fail and they exist in this beautiful world so that we can feel sunshine and happiness in our heart,what we need to do is that we should find them through our life,anything and anywhere!Just like my friend LiHua,he got sick; not only his parents and relatives took care him,but also many friends went to hospital and helped him.He absent many subjects,some of his friends went to the hospital to teach him what the teacher taught in the class.Some of his friends brought him nutrient fruit and food which cooked by themselves while LiHua was staying in the hospital .LiHua felt so moved and loved among his families and friends.And then,he got well soon out of our expecting.Everyone in this world needs love,care and help from others,thus,everyone in this world should love,care and help others.The Bible says,“In everything,do to others what you would have them do to you” and “love others as yourself”.Love has characteristic quality.The Bible also says,“Love is patient,love is kind.It does not envy,it does not boast,it is not proud.Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth.Love never fails.” Love brings hope and encouragement.When people fall into trouble and difficult,they need your love,care and help,so do you.In your hard time,you will get strength when someone helps you.Their love,care and help bring you encouragement and hope to get out from weakness.Therefore,love each to make this world beautiful and wonderful as it is.

英语作文英语作文假设你的同学李华生病住院 得到了同学们各种各样的帮助.请以此为例说明生活中每个人都会得到他人的关心和爱护 让你时刻感受到生活中的阳光和幸福.具体内容包括:起



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