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外企员工必用英文邮件范文 第93期:意外事故慰问

2020-10-21 05:00:01

3. 意外事故慰问意外事故慰问英文邮件范文1Dear Bill,I am sorry to know that you had a car accident and am now hospitalized. We hope you come to recovery soon, as the operation of company depends on your management. We don t know how to do without you.We are expecting to your return. Meanwhile, please take good care of yourself!Sincerely yours,Davis亲爱的比尔:听说你出了车祸并且住院,我很难过。我们希望你尽快恢复健康,公司的运作全依靠你的管理,你不在的话我们不知道该怎么办。我们都盼望着你能早日回来上班。同时,请你照顾好自己的身体!戴维斯意外事故慰问英文邮件范文2Dear Davis,Thank you and the friends who care about me very much. The doctor says that my injury is not serious. I will recover very soon. Then, I can work with you again. During this period, I am sorry that I have put off a lot of things. I hope that I can make up for these lose when I go back. If there are some new progresses in the company, please tell me in time, or I will fell worried about the company.Wish you work successfully!Yours sincerelyBill亲爱的戴维斯:谢谢你和公司所有关心我的朋友们。医生说了,我的伤势不严重,很快就会病愈出院。很快又能和大家见面了。在这期间,耽搁了不少公司的事情,我为此感到很遗憾。希望我能在病好后,尽快弥补我所造成的损失。公司有什么新的进展请尽快告诉我,不然我会很不放心的。祝好!比尔意外事故慰问英文邮件范文3Dear Davis,I am very pleased that I receive your bless. My legs are broken, so it takes a long time to recover. Please help me deal with business matters. If you ve got any problems, you can discuss with others. If you have something hard to deal with, you can also ask me for help. I also hope I can get out of here as soon as possible, but I have difficulty in walking for this moment. Thank you for your caring. Please thank the people caring about me in the company. I hope you all work well.Best wishes!Yours sincerelyBill亲爱的戴维斯:在病床上收到你的祝福让我感到很欣慰。我的腿现在骨折了,可能需要很长时间才能痊愈。公司的事就交给你处理了。遇到什么事,你们大家一起商量来决定。如果有什么疑问的话,可以问我。我也希望能够早点出院,但现在走路很困难。谢谢大家对我的关心。替我向大家问好。祝你们工作顺利。祝好!比尔来源:可可英语



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