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2020-10-21 05:00:01

以下内容是2020年12月六级作文真题,供各位考生参考!频道第一时间更新公布。同时广大考生还可以参与线上直播,与线上老师随时互动答疑,敬请广大考生密切关注。 → → 2019年12月大学英语六级考试刚结束,本次六级写作较2019年6月难度持平,同样考查的是议论文写作,谈一谈社会集体家庭责任感的重要性。 首先,确定文章框架为三段式。第一段可以从宏观角度引出责任感的重要性,第二段列出责任感的重要性有哪些,比如能够促进组织团结,成功和和睦。最后总结。 注意事项: 1. 文章框架要按照总分总的结构来写,做到文章首尾呼应。 2. 关联词的使用,中间段尽可能用上表示次序的词,体现文章的逻辑。 3. 用词和句型表达要丰富多样。 4. 人称尽可能使用第三人称,避免多次出现不同的人称代词,确保指代明确。 参考例文: PartⅠ Writing 30 minutes Directions : For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay on the importance of having a sense of social community family responsibility. You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words. In the world, there is not a single man or woman who can live without a society, a community and a family. In an effort to ensure the long term viability and success of “the big family”, a person should understand what role he or she plays and cultivate a sense of social community family responsibility. Primarily, the sense of social community family responsibility helps to enhance solidarity in a country, especially in the face of plights and adversity. People who understand what role they serve as in their country will work together to address the difficulty the country encounters. Also, the sense of social community family responsibility enables “the big family” to achieve success. A corporation adopting key social responsibility principles would largely find a wide audience for its goods and services. Additionally, the sense of social community family responsibility provides an opportunity for a peaceful and harmonious family. People with strong family ties, more often than not, understand and trust one another, which serves as a solid foundation of “the big family”. Generally, the sense of f social community family responsibility is assuming greater weight in current society in terms of solidarity, success and harmony of “the big family”. 考后关注 除了四六级真题答案,频道还为同学们准备了及功能,欢迎同学们参加和使用。此外,2019年12月四六级考试成绩将于明年2月公布,敬请广大考生密切关注以及时获取四六级查分信息。



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