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网上交朋友 Making Friends Online

2020-10-23 13:15:01

Internet provides people a big world and expands the friends circle. A lot of young people rely on the Internet so much. They use it to work and to make friends. Making friends online once was criticized by the public, but still it is the main way for the young generation to make social communication.网络给人们提供了一个广阔的世界,可以扩大朋友圈。很多年轻人依赖网络,他们通过网络来工作、交朋友。网上交朋友曾经受到了公众的批评,但仍是年轻一代人的主要社交方式。Making friends online surely will take some risks. The news reported some negative cases about how teenagers got cheated by net friends. Some bad guys make use of this free information stage and pretend to be some young and beautiful faces, waiting for the na??ve people to send them money or seduce them to do criminal things.在网上交朋友肯定会要承担一些风险。也报道了一些负面的例子,关于青少年是如何被网友欺骗的案列。有些坏人利用这个免费的信息平台,冒充年轻、美丽的人,等待着天真的人给他们送钱或引诱他们做违法犯罪的事。Bad incidents happen sometimes, but the good sides take up the leading roles. The world gets closer and we can see around the world by the Internet. When we make friends with people from different areas and countries, we learn from each other and broaden our vision.有时不好的事件会发生,但好的方面会占主导地位。世界变得越来越密切,我们可以通过网络看世界。当我们与来自不同地区和国家的人交朋友时,我们可以互相学习,拓宽视野。Internet provides a stage for people to make connection with each other and share information, but we need to take care when we make friends with strangers online.互联网给人们提供了一个打交道和信息分享的舞台,但当我们在网上和陌生人交朋友时我们需要留心。 查看全文



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