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2020-10-23 13:20:01

How to Make New Friends at SchoolAre you new at your school or just want more people to like you? Dont worry, making new friends is not all that hard you just need to put a little time and effort into finding people with similar interests and getting to know them. Dont let shyness stand in your way once you have an amazing group of friends to hang out with, youll be glad you made the effort!First,Introduce yourself to people you dont know, whether either of you are new to the school or not. Be especially welcoming to new people starting school.Smile at that person and be friendly. People are much more approachable and less intimidating when they smile.Make a great first impression. Most people form an opinion about you in less than 60 seconds.Dress appropriately.Dont be rude or offensive.Remember people may not appreciate your sarcasm or sense of humor. Save it until you get to know each other.Compliment them. Dont lie but find something positive to point out. It will make them more comfortable around you.Start a conversation with them.Ask about their interests, classes they have, some people they hang out with, what sports theyre in, etc. This should branch off of the introduction. Ask more about their classes. "Whos the teacher?"Ask when they have lunch. If you have lunch at the same time you can suggest you meet there, eat together and talk more.Extend an invitation. If youre going to the movies, mall, etc. you can ask if theyd like to go. If you can have people over to your house you can also ask them.Talk in the halls and on your way to classes. Youll also get a better feel for where their classes are and if you have any together.Offer to show new people around or walk with them to their next class to show them the way.Befriend a group. If you want to make more than one, look for a group of girls/boys that you would like to get to know better. Repeat these steps with a few people in the group. Theyll likely fit in once a few people know you.Hold back a little bit because you dont want them to think that you guys are best friends; you guys arent yet after only a few days. After you get to know them, and if you like them, then start asking them if they want to come over and play video gamesUnderstand if there is a group dynamic. Often in groups of friends there will be one main character, someone who always seems to take the lead. Sometimes if you try to become closer to them the rest of the group will accept you more easily but if this doesnt work, dont feel offended. Trying to be friends with someone who is close to the group leader can work too but make sure to include the others or they may become jealous.Share your hobbies and interest. Invite them along to participate.Avoid being co dependent. Its alright to have other friends and interests. Dont let your world revolve around another person.Be reliable, even if it may seem a little boring at first theyll appreciate it even if they dont immediately realize it.If you say youll bring in the rest of the physics project tomorrow, make sure you bring it in.Keep private information to yourself. Its tempting to share your secrets to force growth of a friendship. Resist that urge.Until you know they are trustworthy you should assume they could tell others your private information.If you tell someone something you dont want shared, specifically let them know the information is private.Understand that confidence is helpful but not a necessity to make friends. Look for others that seem shy if you are also very shy.Look interested when people talk to you. Being a good listener is key to a friendship. When you talk to someone use their name. It is scientifically proven that people like the sound of their own name.Laugh at peoples jokes. If you can see they made an effort on a particular joke you should acknowledge the humor. Keep it subtle if it isnt very funny. You dont want to seem to laugh at bad jokes. Its alright to quietly chuckle or just to smile.Ring one of your friends and talk to them for a while every so often. It makes them feel wanted and more important to you. If you see something that reminds you of them you can send an SMS to tell them about it. Dont send something you dont want read by others.Keep some perspective. Not everyone is welcoming to new friends and some are just mean about outsiders. If you receive a negative or rude remark you should keep your distance from that person. Being rude is a sign of poor character and you probably dont need that sort of friend.



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