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2020-10-23 16:05:01

I want to go to the city is the most in shenzhen. Because it is a fishing village modernization evolved from an internationalized city. Where will host 2011 the 26th the world university games. University campus is our dream, and I will attend the university entrance exam, bosom expectation and longings, expectation can serve as a college student to the athletes who zhu cheer and looking forward to a college student volunteers can attend the identity of zhu stage. Where the beautiful window of the world and mouthwatering happy valley, can glide true ice world is I want to go to the place. I yearn for the campus, shenzhens taking a site, shenzhen every place landscape. 下面是英文翻译我最向往去的城市是深圳. 因为那是一个从小渔村发展而来现代化国际化城市.在哪里即将举办2011年第26届世界大学生运动会.大学校园是我们的梦想,而即将参加高考的我,怀着期待和憧憬,期待可以作为一名大学生去为那些大运健儿们呐喊助威,憧憬可以以一名大学生自愿者的身份出席大运的舞台.哪里美丽的世界之窗,令人垂涎三尺的欢乐谷、可滑行的真冰世界是我想去的地方. 我向往大学的校园,深圳的大运现场,深圳的每一处景观.



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