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2020-10-24 05:05:01


The opening ceremony novel coronavirus exhausted all the mental work. From the beginning to the end, the teacher arranged for us to be full, so I learned a lot. I learned a lot about the knowledge of new coronavirus. I know novel coronavirus novel coronavirus pneumonia has four ways of transmission: one droplet spreads two contacts, three aerosol spreads four feces mouth to spread some knowledge about new coronavirus pneumonia.


Then, the teacher told us how to learn. Let s standardize our study habits and improve our study ability; let s make arrangements according to the schedule; let s learn to think like we learn in school.

最后,刘老师给我们讲述了温度计的种类,温度计的用法和温度计被打破了怎么办?这一讲让我受益匪浅,我知道了有 水银温度计 , 耳温度计 额温温度计 电子温度计 等,让我收获满满。

At last, Mr. Liu told us about the types of thermometers, the usage of thermometers and how to deal with them when they were broken. I benefited a lot from this talk. I learned that there were mercury thermometers , ear thermometers , forehead thermometers , electronic thermometers and so on, which made me full of them.


We do not stop classes, online classes can also study well, come on!



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