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2020-10-24 07:50:01


我的假期My holiday

I enjoyed my May Day holiday. We Chinese people celebrated the International Labour Day in different ways. Some of us really enjoyed our holiday vacations, so we went sightseeing and visiting our loved ones. However, other people had to take their duties on this holiday.

For example, the police, firefighters and soldiers were on their duties by keeping us safe throughout the holiday. Hospitals opened during the holiday, so doctors and nurses were on call for taking care of their patients. Services such as tourism, restaurants, shopping malls and super markets were open to the public during the May Day holiday.

We appreciated these hard working people who never stopped delivering great services to their clients and customers throughout the holiday of the First of May. All in all, showing appreciation to hard working people is a significance of celebrating the Labour Day holiday. I liked this May Day holiday very much!




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