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不同寻常的演讲 A Different Speech

2020-10-24 21:50:02

When people give a speech, everyone likes to wish people good luck. It is necessary and polite to extend good wishes to others. What if people do the opposite thing? you may surely think the person is selfish, but you are wrong. Recently, a father gave a speech at his sons ninth grade graduation ceremony. He began his speech with different words. He said he was not going to wish people good luck and explained it. He wished the young people to meet setbacks and then became strong persons. People gave warm applause to his speech. Indeed, no one will be lucky all the time. Life is unfair and we need to adjust it. Everyone needs to learn that nothing comes easy and cherish what they have. So dont take the things you have as granted and be grateful for life.当人们发表演讲时,大家都喜欢祝人们好运,表达美好的祝愿是有必要的,也是有礼貌行为。如果人们反着来呢?你肯定会觉得这个人是自私的,但是你错了。最近,一位父亲在他儿子的九年级毕业典礼上发表演讲。他用不同寻常的话语开始演讲,他说他不会祝愿大家总是好运相随并解释了原因。他希望年轻人遇到挫折,然后成为强大的人。对于他的演讲,大家给予热烈掌声。的确,没有人能够一直幸运,生活是不公平的,我们需要调整。每个人都需要知道没有什么是轻易获得的,所以要珍惜所拥有的。别把自己拥有的当成理所当然,要感激生活。 查看全文



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