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四季的颜色作文四季的颜色 英语作文

2020-10-25 00:55:01

Seasons have colors. What are the four seasons colors like?

Spring is green. When spring comes, trees begin to bud and grass begin to grow. It is really a green world, and it is also the color of hope.What about summer? When I look at flowers of almost all kinds in blossom, I know that the color of summer is red. Compared with summer, autumn is totally different color, especially in the north of our country. The rice in the fields and fruits on the branches are the signals of autumn. It is the color filled with ripeness. Gold is the symbol of harvest. Winter is the world of snow. Therefore, white is the color of winter.

Seasons have colors and the changing of the four seasons makes the land colorful and energetic.



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