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英语作文一年级英语I like draw.300字

2020-10-25 14:50:01

Drawing is my hobby. Whenever I roll out the drawing paper and pick up the brush, there is always something unpleasant in my heart.

No, Im going to draw again. When I heard the teacher say, "lets draw the spring." With the flowers and plants all over the land, a vivid picture immediately appeared in my mind: green grass, green trees, flowers, the river colorful and beautiful!

I was afraid that I could not afford to make such a beautiful picture. There was a pond under the tree. There was a happy fish in the pond. There were tadpoles, frogs, ducks playing in the water, and a few swallows flying back from the south in the sky. Beside the pond, there are still several children flying kites and playing hide and seek.

I love painting. I paint at home, draw in the wild, I often ask grandpa for advice, I often ask my teacher for advice. At ordinary times, I have pictures in my mind. There is a moving picture. My childhood is very happy.



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