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一个中国故事 A Chinese Story

2020-10-26 15:10:02


Jerry 生活在澳大利亚,他对中国古代的故事非常感兴趣,于是他在网上留言征集小故事。你能用简单的英文给他讲一个经典的小故事吗?

I.写作目标Writing goal:写一个简单的小故事Write a short Chinese story


1. 时态:讲故事一般采用过去时态,因为叙述的是过去事情。当然,你也可以选择现在时,但是一定要注意时态要一致。

2. 结构:文章的结构要清晰,有条有理。你可以按故事发生的先后顺序叙述。

III.分步练习Step by step:第一步Step One: 回答这些问题Answer these questions

1. What is your story about?

2. Where did you hear it?

3. What is your story like?

4. What does it tell you?

第二步Step Two:把你的答案连成一段完整的文章Put your answers into an article:


My story is about an old man moving two big mountains. I learnt it on Chinese class.

There was an old man. His name was Yu Gong. There were two big mountains in front of1 his house. It was difficult for people to go from one side of the mountain to the other, so he decided to move them away. He and his sons worked hard every day on the mountains. Some people said to him, Hi, Yu Gong, give up. It will take too long.2 But he did not stop. He said, My sons, and my grandsons, and my grand son s sons will keep working even if I die.

A god heard this and asked an other god to move the mountains away. This story tells us that if we are determined enough to do something, we can be successful.3


1. in front of 在 前面

2. 句意:嗨,愚公,放弃吧。做这件事需要很长的时间。

3. 句意:这个故事告诉我们只要有决心,任何事情都能成功。

第三步Step Three:检查文章Check your article

IV.开始写作Start writing



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