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高一作文英语作文我的故事 有提纲急必修二急wheniwasyoungatthetimeoverthimeastimew

2020-10-26 15:25:03

When I was young, a story happened to me at the time. Ive never forgot it over time. I went to school by bike one day, and unfortunately my bike got broken on the way. As time went by I was so worried because I had no idea how to fix it. As a result, a stranger came to me and began to fix the bike. By the time I was about to be late for school, he repaired my bike. I was so thankful to him but he just smiled and left away. From then on, I try to help other when they are in need. And now, as I grow older, I begin to think about the influence that stranger brings to me. I gain the happiness by helping others and I know all of these will change my life forever 楼主参考下~纲要词汇添上去了~按顺序的哈~有什么问题直说~满意的话及时采纳哈~

高一作文英语作文我的故事 有提纲急必修二急wheniwasyoungatthetimeoverthimeastimewentbybythetimeasaresultfromthenonnowasigrowolder按照这个写一篇作文我的故事



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