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2020-10-26 15:35:02

An Interesting Trip I have been to many interesting places in Yiwu,but I have not been to many other parts of China yet.Last month I went to the West Lake with my family by bus.After three hours we got to Hangzhou.Then we took a taxi to the West Lake. The scenery around the lake was very beautiful.There were many tall trees and beautiful flowers.Some people were walking around the lake and some people were boating on the lake. We played near the lake and enjoyed the beautiful scenery.Each of us lost ourselves in the beautiful scenery.Suddenly it rained.We ran in the rain and we were all wet.But we were very happy.After a while the rain stopped.The sky became very colourful. “How beautiful it is!”I said to myself. In the afternoon we went back home by train .My trip seemed very short,but my memory of the pleasant trip will last long



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