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2020-10-26 15:40:03

激动人心的比赛英语作文导读: 内容提示 一年一度的田径运动会召开了。最后一天下午进行的项目 是女子 400 米接力赛。你班的 4 名同学配合得很好,她们的个人素质也好,再加 上你们全班同学给她们鼓劲,她们取得了第一名的好成绩。请你写一篇文章,把 这激动人心的比赛场面写下来。作文示范 An Exciting Race Once a year a field and track sports meet is held in our school.This year it took place on 22nd.Over six hundred people,including teachers and students,entered for this meet. It was the last day of the sports meet. At about three o’clock in the afternoon,there came a voice from the speaker:“Next item is the girl’ s 400 metre relay race.Runners please get everything ready!”On hearing this,the four girl runners of our class,Helen,Jane,Nora and Dinah, gathered quickly by the track and did some warming up exercises①.With strong determination,Dinah said to her teammates,“We should win honour for our class and put up a good show.” After some time,teams from six other classes were entered.“On your marks,”the starter ② ordered。 Then came the pistol shot③. At the sound of it,the first runners shot from their starting points.Many eyes turned to a thin sixteen year old girl named Helen who started very fast and became the first one.Soon the second runners already moving,grabbed ④ the sticks and raced on.Nora, the 感谢你的阅读!third runner had the stick and took the lead。 Already running,Dinah reached for the stick.She was flying three or four steps ahead of the others.Dinah urged herself,“Faster! Faster!”We cheered for her,shouting at the top of our voice.Bit by bit,she pulled quite ahead.It was too late for the others to close the gap and we all sighed with relief. At the finishing line,Dinah was the first one that reached the end.At that moment,nothing would have been more exciting. We laughed, shouted,and we were very proud of our XXXs ⑤. We praised them for their good team work⑥.When we at last received our certificate of award⑦,everyone in our class was smiling a happy smile.Though it was different from the champion of Olympic Games ⑧,we all thought that it was no less exciting.词语解释 ①warming up exercises 准备动作 ②starter n。发号员 ③pistol shot 发令枪声 ④grab v。抓取;(急速)抓住 ⑤XXX n。女英雄;女勇士 ⑥good team work 配合得好 ⑦certificate of award 奖励证书;奖状 ⑧the champion of Olympic Cames 奥林匹克运动会冠军 写法指要 感谢你的阅读!本文主要描写女子 400 米接力赛的场面。作者把这一场面放在一个很长的段 落里写,给人以紧凑、紧张、生动、鼓舞人心的感觉。有些描写生动、具体,使 读者好像身临其境,如“There came a voice from the speaker,‘Next item is the girl’s 400 metre relay race.Runners please get everything ready!’”; “…the first runners shot from their starting points.”;“Soon the second runners already moving,grabbed the stick and raced on.”等。



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