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2020-10-26 15:50:01

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We will win the war without gunpowder. inscription

这场没有硝烟的战争,我们必将胜利。 题记

In the sound of firecrackers, the spring breeze warms Tu su. In the sound of firecrackers again and again, we have successfully entered 2020, but in this year, something unexpected happened the discovery of a new type of coronavirus in China. Now, more than 10000 people have been infected with the virus, which has eclipsed Asian lions

爆竹声中一岁除,春风送暖入屠苏。 在一次次的爆竹声中,我们已经成功迈进了2020,可是在这一年,却发生了令人意想不到的事 我国发现了新型冠状病毒。现在,感染这种病毒的人已经超过了一万例,这突如其来的病毒使亚洲雄狮黯然失色

But the virus didnt make us shrink back: when we learned that the epidemic in Wuhan was extremely bad, many angels in white immediately gave up their holidays and asked for their orders to go to Wuhan and choose to be a rebel. Zhong Nanshan was one of them. In 2003, he was ordered to fight against SARS, 17 years later. In 2020, he came to the front again to fight against the new type of pneumonia. He is 84 years old. He should have enjoyed life at home happily, but he still sticks to the front line of anti epidemic. Like him, other doctors and nurses give up the time of reunion with their relatives, fight against the disease, eat the simplest instant noodles, and fall asleep when they are tired at any place. They are all the most beautiful reversers. As the saying goes, no matter what time is quiet, only someone is carrying a load.


Besides them, of course, volunteers have also made great contributions. Many capable people donate money to Wuhan, such as masks and protective clothing. A large number of rescue teams went to Wuhan to fight against the new pneumonia. It is said that if one side is in trouble, all sides should support it. On January 24, a non woven fabric enterprise in a town had bright lights, and the enterprise was putting full power into the production of masks. In order to meet the needs of the epidemic, the workers who should have taken the leave gave up the Spring Festival holiday and resolutely returned to work. The factory director said the workers returned to work three times their wages, ensuring 240000 masks a day and providing materials for medical staff.


In 2003, Xiaotangshan Hospital was built in seven days and nights in China due to SARS. Now, China will build huoshenshan hospital in seven days, with an increase of 1300 beds to provide services for the hospital.


Now that we have successfully isolated the virus, I believe that a vaccine will be developed soon. In general, we should wash our hands and wear masks frequently, go out less and exercise more, and reduce the contact with dense crowd. Unite as one to support Wuhan. Come on, Wuhan, China. We are sure to succeed in this anti epidemic campaign.




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