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2020-10-26 15:50:01

l Just as exercise strengthens the heart and lungs, bones and muscles, it may also bring other benefits. A succession of scientific studies that prove physical activity has a positive effect on mental functioning.l Firstly ,it’s clear that the brain benefits from exercise . The scientific studies indicate that vigorous physical exercise provides the brain with more fuel, and skill based exercise may increases the formation of connections in the brain.l Scondly ,it can reduce the chance to catch a cold .Proper motion not only can speed up your metabolism, it can also improve your body immunity and help your body against the common cold virus and other bacteria invasion. Washington university study found that five times a week long 45 minutes of cardiopulmonary exercise course of women, in a cold is the number of times a week that a stretching exercise 1/3 of the women. What’s more ,Exercise can also eliminate redundant fat and calories, improve our sleep quality, help reduce mental stress and ease the mood of be agitated, etc. So, from now on, let’s choose a suitable way for ourselves , and stick to do that .



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