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2020-10-26 15:55:01

Saplings hope grow into towering trees, eagles longing for growth for the soaring eagle, I also aspire to become a hero Kenjiro, meritorious. Growth is long, the growth is difficult, growth is the happiness.I grew up looking forward to grow up fast, grow up can be like Zhuge Liang that jiggle lupine, "laughing, mast scull ashes", I can as a warrior for fighting for the freedom of the motherland, to experience the "Zuiwo battlefield Jun MoLaugh, the ancient battle, a few people back to the "tragic; I can shoulder the burden for parents to soothe the eye wrinkles, do a little" reported in the apartments "filial piety.These are the childhood dream of growing up, but the growth is so long, although we have grown for more than ten years, but we are far from the dream, we are not mature, we are still very naive.Growth is a long way, but also twists and turns, is full of thorns, and even the abyss.In the growth, the wind rain, cold storm, only a smile to treat these setbacks, in order to grow better in growth, bitter tears, there is a loss, sometimes there is the idea of "disillusioned", growth can as peopleMeaning? The problems as a challenge to a positive attitude towards the difficulties, as long as adhere to in the end, you will succeed, grow; trap and into the abyss in growth should always remain sober minded, battlefield do not panic, calm yourself. Think twiceLeap, it will not cause "one slip into eternal regret" regret, dealing with all kinds of difficulties, not far from mature. The growth such as plum blossoming "unless some cold biting cold, which was plum smell of incense?" growth is happiness.Hardship and happiness is a twin sister, always accompanied by growth in our every day.树苗盼望成长为参天大树,雏鹰向往成长为翱翔的雄鹰,我也渴望成为英雄儿郎,建功立业. 成长是漫长的,成长是艰难的,成长又是幸福的. 我从小就盼望快长大,长大后就可以像诸葛亮那样,轻摇羽扇,“谈笑间,樯橹灰飞烟灭”;我可以作为一名为祖国自由而战的勇士,体验一下“醉卧沙场君莫笑,古来征战几人回”的悲壮;我可以肩挑着重担,替父母抚平眼角的皱纹,尽一点“报得三春晖”的孝心. 这些都是儿时憧憬的长大后的情景,可是成长是那么的漫长,尽管我们已经成长了十多年,但我们离那梦太远了,我们不成熟,我们依然很幼稚. 成长路是漫长的,同时也是曲折的,布满荆棘,甚至还有深渊. 在成长中,有风有雨,有寒冷的风暴,只有笑着对待这些挫折,才能成长得更好;在成长中,有苦有泪,有彷徨,有时也有“看破红尘”的想法,成长岂能尽如人意?把困难视为挑战,以积极的态度对待困难,只要坚持到底,你就成功了,成长了;在成长中有陷阱和深渊,要时刻保持清醒的头脑,临阵不慌,镇定自己,三思而后行,就不会造成“一失足成千古恨”的遗憾,更能应付各种困难,离成熟就不远了.人的成长如寒梅吐蕊“若非一番寒彻骨,哪得梅花扑鼻香?”成长是幸福,磨难和幸福是一对双胞姐妹,时刻伴随在我们成长的每一天.



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