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努力奋斗的理由 The Reason that I Strive

2020-10-28 13:25:01

The moment I go to high school, I have made up my mind to study hard. It is known to all that the period of high school is the turning point of people’s life, which may decide my future career. So I know the importance of striving for my future. The reason why I study so hard are various. First, I want my parents to be proud of me. When my mothers’ friends come to visit her, they always brag about how excellent their children are, but my mother would never take me as the topic, because she does not want me to have the pressure. I appreciate what my mother does to me and really want her to be proud of me. Second, If I enter a good university, I can have the promising future. It is time for me to return my parents’ love.从我上高中那一刻起,我就下定决心努力学习。大家都知道高中时期是人生的转折点,可能会决定了我的未来。所以我知道为未来奋斗的重要性。我那么努力学习的原因有很多。首先,我想让我的父母以我为荣。每次我妈妈的朋友来看望她时,他们总是吹嘘自己的孩子有多么的优秀,但是我妈妈不会以我为话题,因为她不希望我有压力。我感激妈妈所做的一切,但是真的希望她以我为荣。第二,如果我能进入好的大学,就能有光明的前途。是时我该回报父母的爱了。 查看全文



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