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2020-10-28 13:25:01

I have to admit that delicious food not only can satisfy my stomach, but also can let me love cooking. When I eat some very tasteful food, I will think about how to make the food. Personally, I have tremendous interest in cooking. 我不得不承认美味的食物不但能够满足我的胃,还可以让我爱上烹饪。当我吃到很美味的食物的时候,我就会思考这个食物是如何制作的呢。就我个人来说,我对于烹饪有着浓厚的兴趣。 I don’t know whether my cooking methods are correct or not, because sometimes I will use my own thought to cook some foods. During my cooking period, I once succeeded in cooking very delicious food and meanwhile I also experienced failures. However, I never regret loving cooking. Cooking makes my daily life more substantial. 我不知道我的做菜方法是不是对的,因为有时候我会跟着自己的想法来烧菜。在我做菜的过程中,我曾经成功地做出了非常美味的食物,与此同时,我也经历了很多的失败。然而,我从来不后悔爱上做菜。做菜使我的日常生活更加充实。 From cooking, I also can learn some knowledge about health. I always look through the cooking websites to find new ways to make food. When I look at these websites, I can find out that there are many little healthy knowledg



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