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现在有三个目的地:北京 海南 加拿大你想去哪说明理由初中水平的英语作文用Iwouldli

2020-10-28 13:25:01

I would like to go on vacation in Hai Nan for several reasons.First of all,Hai Nan is one of the most beautiful city in China,the scenery there is fantastic and the weather is warm which is suitable to go out for some activities.Whats more,traveling to Hai Nan during spring festival is more and more popular nowadays.Hai Nan is a perfect option for people who want to spent time in comfortable environment and enjoy wonderful views.Last but not the least,on my perspective ,I love the ocean for its immensity and beauty,I can feel both peace and bluster when I stand at the front of the ocean,and swim is one of my favorite sports,I can go to swim whenever I want in Hai Nan.To sum up,it seems that Hai Nan would be the best choice for me.字数要是不够的话 我再添加

现在有三个目的地:北京 海南 加拿大你想去哪说明理由初中水平的英语作文用Iwouldliketogoonvacationin……续写初中水平的最好带翻译



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