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2020-10-28 14:15:02

> > > > > 初一上册期末英语作文:我喜欢的运动员初一上册期末英语作文:我喜欢的运动员发布时间:2020 04 07


There are many sports stars in the world. Do you know which is my favourite sport star? My favourite star is Yi Jianlian.

Yi Jianlian is a good basketballer. He is born in Heshan, Guangdong. He is 2.12 meters tall and 113 kilos. He is taller than many people, and he is hangsome and kind. He works hard in the match and in the training. So his coach and team friends all like him.

Yi Jianlian began his career quite early. When he was fifteen years old, he came into CBA. In 20xx, he got the first gold medal Asia Youth championship s champion. After that, he helped Guangdong team win 3 gold medals from 20xx to 20xx CBA championships. And he von the CBA MVP from 20xx to 20xx. In 20xx Asian Games, he got 16.6 points and 10.3 rebounds. He was the greatest basketball player in PRC, in 20xx, I think.

On June 28th, 20xx, Yi Jianlian came into NBA! All the Chinese people were excited. Because he is the fourth Chinese basketballer who came into NBA. All the people hope he can become better and better..

Yi Jianlian is good at playing basketball. And he is handsome, friendly, kind and so on. So he has a lot of basketball fans in the world. My mother and I are both his fans.

Yi Jianlian is my favourite star. I think, Yi Jianlian will be a famous basketball star in the world later. All the people on the earth will know him!




易建联很早就开始了他的职业生涯。当他十五岁时,他来到CBA。20xx年,他获得了第一枚金牌 亚洲青年锦标赛的冠军。广东之后,他帮助球队赢得三枚金牌从20xx年到20xx年CBA冠军。从20xx年到20xx年,他冯CBA MVP。20xx年亚运会,他得到了16.6分和10.3个篮板。他是中国最伟大的篮球运动员,在20xx年,我想。

20xx年6月28日,易建联来到NBA !所有的中国人都激动。因为他是第四进入NBA的中国篮球运动员。所有的人都希望他能变得越来越好。



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