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2020-10-28 15:10:01

FAITH LAPIDUS: This week’s listener question comes from China. Yang Jian Yu wants to know more about the American basketball star LeBron James.LeBron James was born in Akron, Ohio, in nineteen eighty four. He attended Saint Vincent Saint Mary High School. He led his high school basketball team to three state championships. He was named Ohio’s “Mr. Basketball” three times.In LeBron’s junior year, Sports Illustrated magazine put his picture on its cover. The magazine called him “The Chosen One.” Soon LeBron James became a household name. Famous people and star athletes came to see him play and many of his high school basketball games were televised.After high school, the Cleveland Cavaliers chose LeBron James with the first pick in the two thousand three National Basketball Association draft. He quickly developed into one of the best players in the NBA. He scored the most points of any player during the two thousand seven to two thousand eight seasons.“King James” also led the Cavs to five post season appearances. He made it as far as the basketball championship series in two thousand seven. But LeBron James has never won an NBA championship ring.On July first, LeBron James’ contract with Cleveland expired. He became a free agent. For months, sports fans had tried to predict where the star would choose to play. He met with the Cleveland Cavaliers, Chicago Bulls, New Jersey Nets, Los Angeles Clippers, New York Knicks and the Miami Heat.Cleveland could have paid him one hundred twenty five million dollars over six years to stay. The most Miami could offer him was ninety six million dollars over five years.Finally, on July eighth, LeBron James announced his decision during a television special on ESPN.LEBRON JAMES: “This fall, I’m going to take my talents to South Beach and join the Miami Heat.”James is joining two of the best players in the league in Miami. Dwyane Wade and Chris Bosh were also free agents and signed with the Heat. The three athletes won the Gold Medal at the two thousand eight Olympics and are good friends.However, many people criticized LeBron James’ decision. In Cleveland, fans felt like the basketball star betrayed his hometown and his team. LeBron James will try to silence the critics when the basketball season starts in October.



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