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2020-10-28 15:10:01

1.My hobby is basketsball play.Everytime I went across the court near my community,a strong feeling,with eager,with desire,raised up.I found its really an uncompetible and awesome sports I have ever experienced,the moment I was shooting.assisting,and rebounding,I would find the blessing happiness in it.I admit,thats a little bit crazy,while the same reason Im fond in it.Like playing,also watching NBA games,Kobe Bryant你可以自己写)is my favorite super star player,my only idol.I should practice day and night to reach his height,though a day dream.Thats me,a fantastic basketsball fans,and I will keep it forever.2.Playing basketball is not only can be pleasurable, still can enhance their physique. Besides basketball can exercise the mind, help people get a positive mental attitude, positive attitude to life.But not a man to play basketball, it needs the sports team, the body needs to fight, to dare to challenge, in the basketball court, you good ball DE allows you to make a lot of friends. To help you become an optimistic person.



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