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英语作文 五年前的我和五年后的我为什么还没有发答案过来

2020-10-28 17:40:01

1About five years ago ,I was just a childish boy/girl,doing whatever I like to do,without thinking of others thoughts or benefits.Now i have grown up to a independent boy/girl,trying to be nice and responsible.Five years later,I think I would be mature enough.Through harding working,I would have a comfortable life,as well as a good career then.2I used to be very outgoing but now im very quiet,because I know a lot .five years ago ,I used to like to sing and play basketball,but now I like playing computer games and reading books .five years ago ,I used to make my parents angry ,but now I am not make my parents angry at all,I understand my parents ,they love me very much ,and I love them too.很高兴为您解答,OutsiderL夕为您答疑解惑如果本题有什么不明白可以追问,手机客户端右上角评价点满意即可.



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