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2020-10-28 17:50:02

时间:2007 12 13来源:栏目:作者: 收藏: 六级作文预测:关于大学生毕业后的去向 大学生毕业后的去向,就业: 1.越来越多的大学毕业生面临着很大的压力 2.他们毕业后的选择主要有出国深造\继续读研或者自己创业或工作 英语作文网收集整理 3.谈一下自己的看法. 体裁扩展:这个内容对大家来说比较熟悉了,但是 作文预测:关于生毕业后的去向 生毕业后的去向,就业: 1.越来越多的毕业生面临着很大的压力 2.他们毕业后的选择主要有出国深造\继续读研或者自己创业或工作 网收集整理 3.谈一下自己的看法. 体裁扩展:这个内容对大家来说比较熟悉了,但是体裁除了这种描述+论述的体裁外,还可以变换为图表作文. The prospect of uncertainties is putting a heavy strain on a growing number of college graduates. A major decision facing these freshmen of the real world is to choose a suitable life path. Some are bent on furthering their education abroad or going to graduate , with the aim of acquiring more knowledge or increasing their chances of finding more gainful employment after they return home or graduate. Others decide to plunge themselves into the tight job market. Still others, who are in the minority, intend to set up their own business because they are more ambitious than their peers. These are tough choices. Next June, I will say good bye to my college days. Although a couple of options lie ahead of me, I have made up my mind to land a job with one of the big companies in some affluent areas, such as Yangtze Delta, Canton and so on. I was born into an impoverished urban family. My parents are laid off and have been working feverishly to fund my college education. As a grown up, I have to shoulder more responsibilities and strive to lighten my parents load.



关于风的作文 关于战争的作文 高中生优秀作文 猜猜我是谁作文 触动心灵的作文 报答作文 玉兰花作文 500字写事作文 铭记作文 写作文的技巧 观察植物的作文 大学生活英语作文 描写学校的作文 六年级毕业作文 作文网站 四级作文题目 作文美丽的校园 成长故事作文 校运会作文 高中作文素材大全 民间故事作文 时评作文 我是谁作文 美育作文 心声作文 母亲节作文 暑假英语作文 礼仪作文 乌龟作文 爱心作文